Thursday 9 January 2014

Google Glass release date, specs and features

Google Glass could be road legal in the UK
UK drivers might be able to wear Google Glass headsets whilst driving, a new report has revealed. The head-based technology, which is still not widely available – even in the US –, has already been the star of a series of driving-related arrests in the US. 

According to The Sunday Times, however, Google is now in talks with the DfT to make the device road legal.

The DfT said: "We have met with Google to discuss the implications of the current law for Google Glass. Google are anxious their products do not pose a road safety risk and are currently considering options to allow the technology to be used in accordance with the law."

The navigation benefits of using Google Glass could be great but the nature of the device could endanger road users. Google Glass needs the user to take their eyes off the road and look to the top right which would distract them from the road.

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