Wednesday 15 January 2014

Windows 9 Fixed For April 2015 Release

Microsoft blogger claims Windows 8 is TANKING big time and Microsoft – in a bid to save face – is fast tracking Windows 9 release

Microsoft will release Windows 9 in April 2015. According to reports, the company is keen to address problems with Windows 8, and will do so by reimagining the entire platform.

Tech blogger and Microsoft expert Paul Thurrott has reported the project currently titled “Threshold” will arrive in 2015. It will introduce a new operating system and it will be called Windows 9. 

Microsoft will also be updating Windows 8.1 and its Windows Phone platforms later this year according to the Thurott, a man with an excellent track record in predicting what’s going on inside Microsoft’s Redmond-based HQ. 

“Threshold is more important than any specific updates. Windows 8 is tanking harder than Microsoft is comfortable discussing in public, and the latest release, Windows 8.1, which is a substantial and free upgrade with major improvements over the original release, is in use on less than 25 million PCs at the moment.” 

“That’s a disaster, and Threshold needs to strike a better balance between meeting the needs of over a billion traditional PC users while enticing users to adopt this new Windows on new types of personal computing devices. In short, it needs to be everything that Windows 8 is not.”


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